The Question That Could Unite Quantum Theory With General Relativity:

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
4 min readJan 22, 2015


Is Spacetime Countable?

Current thinking about quantum gravity assumes that spacetime exists in countable lumps, like grains of sand. That can’t be right, can it?

One of the big problems with quantum gravity is that it generates infinities that have no physical meaning. These come about because quantum mechanics implies that accurate measurements of the universe on the tiniest scales require high-energy. But when the scale becomes very small, the energy density associated with a measurement is so great that it should lead to the formation of a black hole, which would paradoxically ruin the measurement that created it.

These kinds of infinities are something of an annoyance. Their paradoxical nature makes them hard to deal with mathematically and difficult to reconcile with our knowledge of the universe, which as far as we can tell, avoids this kind of paradoxical behaviour.

So physicists have invented a way to deal with infinities called renormalisation. In essence, theorists assume that space-time is not infinitely divisible. Instead, there is a minimum scale beyond which nothing can be smaller, the so-called Planck scale. This limit ensures that energy densities never become high enough to create black holes.

This is also equivalent to saying that space-time is discrete, or as a mathematician might put it, countable. In other words, it is possible to allocate a number to each discrete volume of space-time making it countable, like grains of sand on a beach or atoms in the universe. That means space-time is entirely unlike uncountable things, such as straight lines which are infinitely divisible, or the degrees of freedom in the fields that constitute the basic building blocks of physics, which have been mathematically proven to be uncountable.

This discreteness is certainly useful but it also raises an important question: is it right? Can the universe really be fundamentally discrete, like a computer model? Today, Sean Gryb from Radboud University in the Netherlands argues that an alternative approach is emerging in the form of a new formulation of gravity called shape dynamics. This new approach implies that spacetime is smooth and uncountable, an idea that could have far-reaching consequences for the way we understand the universe.

At the heart of this new theory is the concept of scale invariance. This is the idea that an object or law has the same properties regardless of the scale at which it is viewed.

The current laws of physics generally do not have this property. Quantum mechanics, for example, operates only at the smallest scale, while gravity operates at the largest. So it is easy to see why scale invariance is a property that theorists drool over — a scale invariant description of the universe must encompass both quantum theory and gravity.

Shape dynamics does just this, says Gryb. It does this by ignoring many ordinary features of physical objects, such as their position within the universe. Instead, it focuses on objects’ relationships to each other, such as the angles between them and the shape that this makes (hence the term shape dynamics).

This approach immediately leads to a scale invariant picture of reality. Angles are scale invariant because they are the same regardless of the scale at which they are viewed. So the new thinking is describe the universe as a series of instantaneous snapshots on the relationship between objects.

The result is a scale invariance that is purely spatial. But this, of course, is very different to the more significant notion of spacetime scale invariance.

So a key part of Gryb’s work is in using the mathematical ideas of symmetry to show that spatial scale invariance can be transformed into spacetime scale invariance.

Specifically, Gryb shows exactly how this works in a closed, expanding universe in which the laws of physics are the same for all inertial observers and for whom the speed of light is finite and constant.

If those last two conditions sound familiar, it’s because they are the postulates Einstein used to derive special relativity. And Gryb’s formulation is equivalent to this. “Observers in Einstein’s special theory of relativity can be reinterpreted as observers in a scale-invariant space,” he says.

That raises some interesting possibilities for a broader theory of the universe, just as special relativity lead to a broader theory of gravity in the form of general relativity.

Gryb describes how it is possible to create models of curved space-time by gluing together local patches of flat space-times. “Could it be possible to do something similar in Shape Dynamics; i.e., glue together local patches of conformally flat spaces that could then be related to General Relativity?” he asks.

Nobody has succeeded in doing this on a model that includes the three dimensions of space and one of time but this is early days for shape dynamics. But Gryb and others are working on the problem.

He is clearly excited by the future possibilities, saying that it suggests a new way to think about quantum gravity in scale invariant terms. “This would provide a new mechanism for being able to deal with the uncountably infinite number of degrees of freedom in the gravitational field without introducing discreteness at the Plank scale,” he says.

That’s an exciting new approach. And it is one expounded by a fresh new voice who is able to explain his ideas in a highly readable fashion to a broad audience. There is no way of knowing how this line of thinking will evolve but we’ll look forward to more instalments from Gryb.

Ref: : Is Spacetime Countable?

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