Paradoxes & Mysteries: Solving for Salient Space-Time Phenomena — The Physics of Spirit — Chapter Six — Section 10

By Matthew Mossotti

The universal components of the global mythologies which “marry the water to the wind” bear a profound communication from the higher beings to the ancient humans that the sea of space-time carries the cosmological life-force within its fluidic substance. This cohesion of the ancients’ genesis lore with physical theorizations had become a lost art in science for hundreds of years prior this work. This Chapter now proceeds to demonstrate the natural coalescence of spiritual and photoelectrical forces by mapping the correspondence of force-functions of light and electricity to the matter-displaying and gravity-carrying substance of the cosmos. The correlation of the mythos and the findings of scientific inquiry in the humans’ grand experiment to identify their own purposing will now be physically rationalized in a new model which details the interactions of the non-material energy form which displays and motivates projected material energies with the force that illuminates and electrifies to reveal the spirit-carrying substance as the waters of space-time. From the theorizations and discoveries put forth here, it will be shown that the humans already had the scientific means in hand to craft a more lucid physical worldview to assist their effort to more completely conceive of their own purposing in terms of who they are and what they are doing both within the world and beyond. At the conclusion, whether secular or sacred, all rational skepticism around the sublime nature of the contents of the ancient origin stories will be dissolved in the overwhelming proofs of the waterish substance of space-time, that cosmological sea which has been positioned in the global mythos as the fluidic energy which stages and sustains stars, worlds, animating spirit, and human souls. In this endeavor of scientific discovery and rationalization, seamless theorization unfolds to correlate the subtle interaction between the particles and fields of the force which governs the display of projected material energy and gravitation and the force which governs the exhibition of light and electricity. In this scientific quest to reveal the mysterious nature of the life-force which had eluded serious scientific inquiry until this work, the final half of this Chapter has been designed to elucidate the physics of spirit through a re-envisioning of the conceptual fallout from General Relativity. The modeled theorizations here advanced will show the particle interaction of the space-time waters with the photoelectrical field of terrestrial waters that draws out a positive charge reaction which can ultimately result in a burst of electrified light in plasmatic energy. By extension, this physical interaction will be positioned as proof that the waters of space-time carry a force that can be electrically converted to power animated life. As an energetic substance which is electronically codified by the neurological system of human beings, the fluidic space-time becomes the logical “fabric” in the design of the human soul.

The Chapter after this will conclude the mapping of the four-way force interaction of photoelectrical and gravitational energies with an introduction of the Theory of Electrogravitism to at last identify the previously mysterious force-carrying substance of magnetic currents. In this following Chapter, a comprehensive model postulates magnetic force to derive from an electrical interface with the fluidic fabric of space-time and will thus complete the theorization of the four-way correspondence between the force which governs the display of material energy projection and gravity with the force which governs light and electricity. In pursuit of the physics of spirit, it is not necessary to invent any new theoretical paradigms, but only to extend the logical out-workings of several scientific conclusions which have already had their decided verifications from the experts of their respective disciplines. It is likewise unnecessary to contrive any new technological models of experimental verification, as the physical phenomena are salient, albeit unexplained. This work will only arrange extant scientific observations and conclusions to design a new model of theorization that rationalizes observed photoelectrical phenomena to the primary and secondary force-functions of the fluidic space-time substance (the primary force-function of the space-time waters being the display of projected material energy in three dimensions across the fourth dimension of time and the secondary being the motion-to-matter force-function of gravity). To begin, a proper philosophical reshaping of present theory through empirically verified phenomena is sufficient to articulate a groundbreaking revelation of physics which are sure to appear bogglingly obvious in hindsight to any reader from any discipline of thought. From a philosophical observation of the problem of mass and the Young versus Einstein Paradox of Light, the substance-carrier of the force of spirit can be naturally derived and its properties can be deduced in conceptual conjunction with those of Archimedes’ Principle on the laws of fluid displacement, specifically as it relates to the reactive emergent force of buoyancy carried within terrestrial waters. A reconceptualization of the principles which logically outcrop from the findings of General Relativity identifies the two-way interaction between the force-carrier particle of light and the field of fluidic space-time which displays projected material energy and expresses gravity (both sides of the relationship must be observed to show how the photon affects the field of fluidic space-time and, vice versa, how the field of fluidic space-time affects the photon). Then, one part of the two-way interaction between the field of photoelectricity and force-carrier particle of gravity will be evinced in an examination of Tesla’s Radiant Energy where the effect of the graviton manifests in the photoelectric field. These findings permit the natural solutions to the mysteries of ontological causation in the phenomena of the positive charge in cloud systems which produce lightning and the inherent negative charge of the planet’s ground. Finally, the entirety of the following Chapter has been dedicated to solving the final physical mystery to identify the interaction where the photoelectric field displays command over the behavior force-carrier particle of gravity.

The proper paradigmatic design in which the fluidic fabric of space-time is to be conceptualized in a complete physical worldview which contextualizes the physical nature of human souls within the triad architecture of the celestial theatre has been comprehensively handled in the front half of this Chapter. To now ascertain the primary objective of this Chapter in a rationalized theorization on the logical constitution of the soul carried within the energetic substance of the life-force which powers the electrical charge of all animated creatures within the terrestrial sphere, this work now endeavors to model the physics of spirit. In the conceptual out-workings from the theorizations here offered on the space-time waters, this work’s potent capacity to resolve longstanding physical paradoxes and solve glaring physical mysteries will serve as its certificate of authenticity. The remainder of this Chapter has been dedicated to an exhaustive examination of the physics of the spirit within the waters of space-time and the implications on several physical paradoxes and mysteries which have previously eluded scientific apprehension, specifically related to the interactivity of the force which governs light and electricity and the force which governs the display of material energy projection and gravity. First establishing the certainty of the fluidic properties in the behavioral expressions of the space-time fabric in the resolution of the paradoxical phenomena of equal reactive force and low pressure which are both associated with aerodynamic lift in powered flight, this Chapter will then validate the correspondences of the fields and force-carrier particles of the fluidic fabric to light and electricity, finally capturing the source of life-force energy as the spirit in the waters of the fluidic space-time medium. To verify that an electrical charge can be converted from the fluidic non-material substance of space-time, this work will resolve three major paradoxes and solve four major mysteries in physics by mapping the four-way correspondence in the fields and particles of the two fundamental force exhibitors (i.e. how photons affect the space-time field, how the space-time field affects photons, how gravitons affect the photoelectrical field and how the photoelectrical field affects gravitons):


1. Does low pressure or Newton’s law of equal and opposite reaction cause aerodynamic lift?

2. Is light a particle or is light a wave (it cannot be both)?

3. If mass-carrying particles make matter massive, what is the mass carried by these particles?


1. Radiant Energy

2. Ontological Causation for the Negative Charge in the Ground

3. Ontological Causation for the Positive Charge in Cloud Systems which Produce Lightning

4. The Energetic Substance Carried in Magnetic Currents

Looking for more to read? Check out the previous section The Cosmic Matrix: The Dark Web of the Dark Sea or start at the beginning of this chapter with Mythos & Scientific Inquiry in the Human Experiment, read all of the released sections from Chapter VI: The Physics of Spirit — the Life Force in the Waters of Space-Time sequentially, learn more about Matthew Mossotti’s philosophical masterpiece Physics of Spirit: On The Phenomenology of Heaven & Hell, or explore SpeciMen Trilogy and download Episode Zero: The Meraviglia Revelation, the 40 page prequel to the 440 page Epic, for free.



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