Can We Talk About All The Awkward Stuff That Happens During Sex?

Like my wedding night, when my husband went for the wrong hole.

Bradlee Bryant
Pillow Talk


Sex can be hot, romantic, and just plain breathtaking.

It can also be awkward, weird, and downright hilarious.

It’s a little like childbirth. One moment you’re unknowingly pushing out poop in front of a horde of doctors and nurses, and seconds later, you’re birthing a miracle into the world. Most of the time, you can’t avoid pooping while pushing, so this weird and awkward moment becomes part of the birthing experience.

It’s the same with sex.

No matter how hard you try to avoid the embarrassing or awkward moments, they’re still bound to happen. You’re fighting a losing battle.

When awkwardness strikes, remember it’s not just you, and it doesn’t mean you’re sexually doomed. Here are a few of the weird and uncomfortable things that are bound to happen to most of us at some point:

One of you isn’t quite ready yet.

We are humans, not machines.

Never go into a sexual experience to expect that a man will be rock hard and a woman to be soaking wet. There are so many variables at play regarding an individual’s…

