I’m Suddenly Desperate For Ballsex

You’ve heard of a dildo, but have you heard of a ball dildo?

Bradlee Bryant
Pillow Talk


Image Created Using Canva with balldo™️

Remember last week when I told you how much I love balls and that I thought testicles were the underdog of male genitalia? Well, I’m happy to report these hidden gems of male pleasure are about to get a serious upgrade thanks to the balldo™ and its sex exploring founders!

Yes, the balldo™️ is actually a thing, and no, I’m not getting paid to write this. I am genuinely intrigued by this invention and looking forward to investing in one once it’s available.

According to the folks at Balldo, this is just the beginning of the ballsex revolution. This nifty contraption is the world’s first sex toy that allows a ball-owner to penetrate their partner with their balls.

They spent over three years developing and testing over 100 different prototypes, and next month they’re launching an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to bring these bad boys to the masses.

Now that I know it’s possible, I desperately want to know what it feels like to have my partner’s balls inside of me.

Where did they get the idea for the balldo™️?

While having sex one night, the sexually experimental founders looked down and asked, “I wonder if…

