My Husband’s Penis Is Still Growing

It’s like this strange Benjamin Button scenario, but for penis size

Bradlee Bryant
Pillow Talk


Photo by Charles on Unsplash

I swear to all things holy my husband’s penis has gotten bigger over the course of our 15-year marriage.

His penis was always a bit above average and perfect in my eyes — er…vagina, mouth, etc.

He didn’t have a need for a pump, pills, or a lengthening device.

His member was totally respectable and certainly got the job done.

But I swear to god his penis has gotten bigger

I started noticing a difference after we began really exploring our sexuality together and making sex a priority in our marriage.

It didn’t happen overnight, but over the course of about a three-year span, it started to appear much larger than it was when we first got married.

He started to hit spots he’d never hit before. It almost hurt — almost.

Needing to know WTF was going on, I did a rough measurement with my hands.

I used to be able to fully hold it with two hands stacked on top of each other. Now I needed a few extra fingers in order to completely envelop it.

