The Kink That Kills Nearly 1,000 Americans Every Year

My 12-year-old son recently asked me why girls like to be choked during sex.

Bradlee Bryant
Pillow Talk


Image source: Pixabay

It was a cold and sunny Wednesday afternoon, and my 12-year-old son was in the passenger seat as we drove home from picking up new library books from his school. We were cruising down the highway singing along to Top 40 radio and chatting between songs when out of nowhere, he asks, “Mom, do girls really like to be choked during sex?”

Miraculously, I managed to keep the car on the road and maintain a moderately neutral expression as I replied with, “That’s an interesting question, thank you for asking me.”

After having an internal what-the-actual-fuck moment and saying a few dear-lord-baby-Jesus prayers, I took a deep breath and continued… “Where did you hear that?”

“Nick told all of us in the locker room before practice last night.”

It wasn’t unusual for my son to bring up the crazy things he heard or saw at school, in the locker room, or online. We basically made this scenario into a game without trying.

We call it “fact-checking your idiot friends.”

Our kids come to us all the time to “fact check,” and we usually get a laugh out of the crazy things their friends believe and…

