Eggs 101

Serra Tumay
The Foodworks
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2016

The versatility of eggs makes it a number one ingredient choice for many cooks. An egg can stand alone as the main protein of a dish or be incorporated into food preparation using various techniques. Regardless of how you decide to use the egg, it’s quality and age can play a large role in the overall acceptance of your final product. Here are some tips to keep in mind when buying, storing, and using your eggs:

Brown or White?

Photo from NDTV Food

Contrary to popular belief, brown eggs are not “healthier”, nor do they automatically mean “organic”. There is no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs. In fact, the only contributing factor to this aesthetic difference is the hen’s breed. Because of this, choosing the perfect egg is less about it’s color and more about the hen’s living conditions. Next time you’re at the supermarket choose free-range, organic eggs, containing Omega-3s, but free of hormones. Better yet, go to your local farmer and #buylocal.

Choose USDA Grade AA

USDA Grade AA eggs ensure the best interior and exterior quality of your eggs. They are the freshest and therefore will result in the best products. Whether you are solely poaching eggs, using them to better cake structure, or simply as a binder for those chicken cutlets, treat yourself to AA because just 1 A might not cut it.

Properly store eggs

Refrigerate your eggs. An egg will age more in 1 day at room temperature than a full week in the fridge. Oh, and do not try to freeze a whole egg. Spoiler alert: it will crack.

Determine freshness

Photo by Peden + Munk

How old is the egg? You can check the freshness of your egg by gently placing it in a cup of water. If the egg sinks, its fresh. If the egg floats, toss it out! With age, the air cell in between the two membranes increases resulting in deterioration of nutritional quality and increasing the risk to food safety.

Avoid raw eggs

This might seem like common sense, but again, avoid consuming raw eggs. This includes properly washing hands as well as sanitizing food prep surfaces and equipment after handling eggs. Also, ensure the egg is fully cooked. Always err on the side of caution to prevent food-borne illnesses.

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