Feedback is like Sushi

Fabulous when fresh and useless if not harmful when old. No matter if you like Sushi or not, feedback is something, that affects us all. Because it will cross your path at least once in your lifetime.

Sofia Hassiotaki
The Pinch
3 min readAug 14, 2024


In today’s dynamic and fast-paced working environment, feedback is often considered as the epitome of growth and improvement. However, much like the misinterpretation of Agile methodologies, the essence of feedback can be misunderstood and misapplied, leading to unintended consequences.

Feedback, when utilized smartly, can foster an environment of learning, collaboration, and personal development. It serves as a compass, guiding individuals and teams toward greater efficiency and excellence. However, misusing feedback practices can lead to dissatisfaction, hinder productivity, and undermine morale.

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The Purpose of Feedback

In general, feedback should serve two primary purposes:

Development and Growth

Feedback should aim to nurture skills, enhance capabilities, and support individuals in achieving their potential. It provides insights that help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, paving the way for continuous personal and professional growth.

Improvement of Performance

Constructive feedback plays a crucial role in refining performance and achieving organizational objectives. By specifying inefficiencies or shortcomings, feedback enables course correction and empowers teams to deliver results more effectively.

How about No?

The misuse of feedback can manifest in several unfavorable ways. Believe me, I received bad feedback 5 years ago and I still think about it to this day. So, if possible, try to avoid the below points. And if not possible, make it possible!

Destructive Criticism

Instead of being constructive, feedback can devolve into destructive criticism. When feedback focuses only on flaws or mistakes without offering actionable solutions or acknowledging strengths, it demoralizes individuals and smothers motivation.

Lack of Context

Feedback without proper context is like shooting arrows in the dark. Contextual relevance is crucial as it helps people understand the specific circumstances or behaviors that require attention. Without context, feedback may be perceived as random or confusing.

Frequency and Timing

Timing is everything when it comes to feedback. Providing timely feedback allows individuals to course-correct promptly and reinforces positive behaviors. Conversely, delayed feedback or an overload of criticism can overwhelm recipients and impede progress.

Feedback Culture

In organizations lacking a robust feedback culture, feedback may be sporadic or dreaded. A culture that values continuous feedback fosters trust, transparency, and a shared commitment to excellence.

Come to the Bright Side

If you want to become the Mr. Brightside of giving good feedback, some steps can guide you to harness the power of feedback effectively.

Clarity and Specificity

Feedback should be clear, specific, and linked to observable behaviors or outcomes. Vague feedback leaves room for interpretation and may not yield the desired results.


Effective feedback strikes a balance between praise and constructive criticism. Recognizing achievements reinforces positive behavior, while constructive input guides improvement.

Dialogue, Not Monologue

Feedback should initiate a dialogue, encouraging recipients to share their perspectives and collaborate on solutions. It should be a two-way street, fostering mutual understanding and trust. I’m not talking about the urge to justify yourself here.

Continuous Learning

Embrace feedback as a catalyst for continuous learning and improvement. Encourage a growth mindset where feedback is welcomed as an opportunity for development rather than a critique.

In a nutshell

Just as Agile principles foster adaptability and collaboration, effective feedback cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and mutual respect at work. By understanding the nuances of feedback organizations can empower their teams to thrive, innovate, and achieve collective success. So don’t fear feedback, rather see it as a chance, a tool for growth and positive transformation. If you struggle to give feedback, maybe you should follow the saying “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all”. And for people, who struggle to receive feedback, keep in mind that feedback is like a gift, you don’t have to accept it.



Sofia Hassiotaki
The Pinch

Grew up as a restaurant kid, matured as a phonetician, and ended up as an IT consultant. But ended is the wrong word, because it's just getting started!