4 Things We Want to See in the Westworld Season Finale

Mason Brown
The Pine
3 min readDec 5, 2016


HBO’s new sci-fi drama Westworld is getting ready to close the curtain on its first season, and things are anything but resolved. The show’s habit of revealing long-expected theories while simultaneously thickening the plot has left fans sitting in a tangled mess of their own expectations at the end of almost each episode. After a ninth episode that threw us for more than a few loops, it seems almost impossible for Westworld leave us with a moderately clear picture of what Season 2 will look like. That being said, there a few thing we really hope to see from the final episode of Westworld Season 1 (Spoilers follow):

1. Bernarnold

You’re telling me that we spent all season wading through various reveals and theories about Bernard and Arnold, then the show finally tells us they’re the same person only to have that person killed 10 minutes later? No way. Bernarnold is in no way finished being a major part of the story. The sneak-peek teased having Maeve revive Bernarnold, so let’s hope that happens.

2. Ford’s New Narrative

Robert Ford has solidified his role as the main antagonist in the show, but we knew that was coming because you don’t cast Anthony Hopkins to play the good guy. Ford has repeatedly referred to “my new narrative” throughout the past few episodes, but all we’ve really witnessed of it is that XXL backhoe carving through the landscape. It seems far-fetched, but hopefully the show will give us a larger view of what his new narrative entails.

3. An Identity for the Man in Black

Although it seems a foregone conclusion to most by now, I’m still not entirely convinced that William is the Man in Black. It’s most likely true (William & MIB both have blue eyes, for what it’s worth), but wouldn’t it be fun if Logan actually turned out to be the Man in Black? It isn’t a stretch by any means. After all of the telegraphed reveals this season, this is one that would relatively come out of left field. This is one thing that definitely needs to be officially resolved in the finale; the mystery of MIB’s identity is one that has been stale for about two episodes now, and to let it sit for an entire offseason would be the wrong move. The Man in Black character is so much deeper than a cheap “gotcha” reveal, and it’s time we started to delve into that.

4. Wyatt

While he hasn’t been a massive topic of discussion throughout the first season, some of the show’s most important events inside the park have been heavily influenced by “Wyatt.” While the Wyatt character may be one that the HBO chooses to save for Season 2, it would be nice to have a bit more context surrounding the character. For example, is the person we see when Teddy has his Wyatt flashbacks actually Wyatt? Or is that just Teddy’s “host memory” repressing the identity of the real Wyatt? A popular theory is that Dolores could even be Wyatt, considering her connection with Teddy and how she admitted to killing Arnold in Episode 9.

The Season 1 Westworld Finale premieres Sunday night on HBO.



Mason Brown
The Pine

Firm believer that a Crying Jordan will one day hang in The Louvre.