via @MiamiDolphins on Twitter

The Miami Dolphins’ Throwbacks are the Best Uniforms in Football

Mason Brown
The Pine


Please try to argue this fact with me, I assure you that you will not win. Dear God, are these not the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen? The Miami Dolphins front office is certifiably filled with idiots if these aren’t their primary uniforms by 2018. Look at this borderline erotic video of their equipment staff putting together the uni, which is an ode to the team’s look from 1974–1986:

Incredible. The whole thing is perfect; the logo, the helmet stripe, the grey facemask, the shoulder stripe, it’s all gorgeous. If all NFL teams took inspiration from these, there wouldn’t be a ratings problem. Here’s some more photos, because you need them.

As we know, it takes about 3 years for an NFL team to go through the process of changing their uniforms due to league rules, so let’s hope that the Dolphins have already gotten the ball rolling on making this throwback their primary uniform.



Mason Brown
The Pine

Firm believer that a Crying Jordan will one day hang in The Louvre.