FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions — Solar Energy Systems

Pingo Solar
The Pingo Blog
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9 min readJan 25, 2018
FAQ — Frequently Asked Solar Energy Questions

Everyone knows, or has some understanding that Solar Panels can reduce your monthly electric bills by harvesting energy from the sun. But, by how much? And at what cost? Are we at the point where it’s the best time to purchase a Solar PV System — if you haven’t done so already — or shall I keep waiting until they’ve got it all flushed out? These are the questions that start flooding people’s heads who haven’t had their pulse on the solar energy market; and even for those like yourself, who have put in some research.

In order to get passed the unknown knowns, we are going to discuss what Solar Energy means to you, how it fares as a renewable resource, and why it’s so important right now — at this given moment in time; and how it will affect the future — your future.

As American’s consider Solar before the Tariff goes into effect, or I should say while there are still warehouses full of Solar Panels within the United Sates, most people are asking the same questions. We are going to cover some of those questions right now.

TOP 10 Frequently Asked Questions on Solar Panels & Solar PV Systems

Does my house have to be in a really sunny spot?

No. Like we touched on in this in these posts:
a. Myth #4: Solar Panels Don’t Work in Overcast Conditions
b. Understanding Your New Electric Bill after Installing Solar
The Solar Inverter

Solar panels produce DC electricity which, in most cases, must be converted to AC before it can be used. That’s the job of the inverter. A photo-voltaic system typically includes several panels wired together in a series/parallel configuration, with their total DC output going to a central “string” inverter.
Microinverters were supposed to solve these problems. As you can probably guess, a microinverter is a small inverter that’s dedicated to a single panel. Instead of wiring all the panels together and sending a large DC output to a string inverter, we connect the microinverter outputs together to create a large AC signal. A microinverter will establish MPPT for its own panel, optimizing the overall system output regardless of minor shading issues and other variations among individual panels.

Microinverters and Power Optimizers (aka DC Optimizers) are attached at the panel level, which can help with shady spots that may occur over your solar panels because it would not affect other panels not affected by shading. With String Inverters, the entire string is gauged as a whole, which means that if you are getting less output on one panel, it will affect the entire string, as they string will only output at the efficiency of it’s lowest panel. This reduction in efficiency may occur on even just one panel, and yet affect the entire string. With a string inverter layout, you may want to look into cutting down trees, or external fixtures which may cause shading, because your overall efficiency will be reduced - even if one panel is being affected.

How Much Power Are We Talking About? Can I Power Everything in My House? Can I Power My Pool? Can I Charge My Car?

The amount of power collection depends on several factors, the most important being the number of panels you have installed. What we will do at Pingo Solar is analyze your power consumption and work towards a zero sum home solution, in which you are harvesting more power or the exact amount of power as you use. This means that you are collecting and converting enough energy from the sun to off set your electricity and therefore remain independent from the grid. In many cases we keep you on the grid because you will be paid for any surplus energy that you provide back to the grid. This means if you conserve your energy, as many start to do when they go solar — you could be paid by your electricity utility rather than paying out to them. Once the DC Optimizer has converted the DC power to AC power, you can then re-route that power to power any of your appliances, to power your house, your pool, and virtually anything that uses electricity. You would just find a way to reroute that power to the device, or machine which controls the device or machine.

Is it Possible to Store Power in the Daytime, So that I can Use It At Night, or When It’s Rainy or Overcast?

There are two possible outcomes, one is having a battery, which we do not recommend at this point, because of the huge expense, and the other is storing your power on the grid. What basically happens is a system of positive and negative credits. When you are storing your electricity on the grid, it basically goes back to your Utility Company and you get a credit. When you need to draw from the grid, meaning you need electricity from the grid which you are not drawing directly from your solar energy system, you will incur a fee. At the end of your billing cycle the credits and fees are added and subtracted so that the balance reflects your usage as well as your contribution to the grid. Your ending balance is whatever positive or negative value remains. And then you either pay, or get paid, depending on whether or not it was a positive number or negative number. Usually, what will happen is people will store energy on the grid during the day, when they aren’t using their electricity as much — say when they are at work — or when they are out and about; and they will use the power from the grid at night, when they aren’t taking in power from the sun.

My Area is Prone to Storms. Does this Mean I’m not An Ideal Candidate? Will Solar Panels Damage My Roof?

As a whole, solar panels are quite durable and can hold up very well in stormy conditions or inclement weather. One of the great benefits of Solar Panels is that they can be deployed in areas that are remote, and don’t have a sustained power grid to support other means of drawing power. Germany is one of the greatest proponents and suppliers of Solar Panels and use them heavily in their cities to create power in a diverse number of markets and situations. One thing about Germany is that they don’t have the most ideal weather conditions, and they often times have overcast or gloomy weather. But, like I said, Germany is pro-solar, and doing more with Solar Energy than any other country in the world.

Are Solar Systems Incredibly Expensive?

Not with Pingo Solar! Come check us out, we have free quotes. Solar Panels and Solar PV Systems have been coming down in price over the last 10 years. An investment that used to be reserved for those with a lot of money to put towards the venture, can now be had for less than what you would normally pay on your utility bills. This proposition poses an interesting trend of going off the grid, or becoming independent of the utility companies. There is an issue of the 30% Tariff that President Trump put on the Solar Energy Industry as a whole, but with warehoused solar panels within the United States, and incentives for Renewable Energy which can be up to 30% in some areas — we here at Pingo Solar are committed to getting you a rate which is within your budget. 98% of our customers will actually pay less for their Solar Energy System than they were currently paying for their Utility Bills. At this rate, it only makes sense to go solar. Go Pingo!

Is Leasing Cheaper? Is it Viable Option for Solar Energy Systems

Buy vs Lease

Leasing options in the past have been cheaper, because the cost of Solar over a decade ago was a lot higher than it is now. The leasing model doesn’t make as much sense anymore. Virtually all of the sales that are currently going forward in terms of Solar PV Systems are purchases, either cash purchases, or financed purchases. This has generally helped to reduce the overall purchase price of solar, as well as create a unique place for homeowners who want to pay as they go, without getting trapped in a situation where what they are paying for, isn’t theirs. When you finance a purchase with Pingo Solar, you are still getting savings while you pay down your Solar Energy System — but after it is paid off, even more savings are readily available.

What Happens If I Sign A Lease, and Then Someone Buys My Home?

This is where it gets tricky. If you sign a lease, and then sell your home, you are effectively selling off your lease to another person. You have to convince them that it is worth it, and that they indeed should take over the lease, and then you basically sell them on solar yourself. The good news is that studies have shown, by a study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory that home buyers are willing to pay more for homes equipped with custom-owned solar. What is happening is actually a benefit. Solar panels are adding value to your new home. When selling your property, having a Solar PV System is proving to be a good thing. Most people, it seems, who are interested in your home, won’t mind taking over the lease when they see the benefits that it provides. This is much easier if this is a purchase (or a purchase through a finance) because these can just be paid off through the purchase of the home.

How Much Maintenance is Required?

Not much maintenance is required. You will have to make sure that the Solar Panels remain free from debris and are kept somewhat clean; but this isn’t a monthly task. When looking for a PV Installer, as we cover below, you will want to make sure that they include a maintenance plan or package, so that you have the assurance that your panels will be maintained over their lifespan.

What Should I look for in a PV Installer?

a. Honesty — Whenever you are working with another company, you want to make sure that they have your interests in mind, and that they aren’t harboring a secret agenda.
b. Integrity — This ties in with honesty, but integrity also has the will and the follow through to do what they say, and to carry it out with a good heart and a noble practice.
c. Competent Technicians with Ingenuity — You don’t want a bunch of blockheads holding hammers trying to figure out how to best get these panels on your roof. What you are looking for are technicians who are well informed, and have a history of performing these tasks with precision. This way if an issue does arise, they have the forethought to come up with a workaround rather than just bang it into place.
d. Quality Product — Looks Good with Great Specs
e. Price Conscious — The cost is a factor for most. If you have a solar pv installer asking for exorbitant fees or boosting the price higher than what others are quoting, you may want to reconsider.
f. Maintenance Plan & Warranty Package — Make sure that your investment has some sort of maintenance clause & Warranty, so that you can be assured that it will stand the test of time.

Can I benefit from Solar Even If I rent, and Don’t have Access to My Rooftop (or Building)?

There are ways to install Microinverter layouts even if you don’t have access to a rooftop, or if you are renting the building.
a. These Solar Panel window blinds generate energy while blocking rays
b. Plug-In Solar: Moveable Solar Power for Renters & Do-it-Yourselfers

Free Quote with Pingo Solar
After reading up on these TEN Reasons to Go Solar, you might be wondering how much it might cost, or how you would be able to start paying less for your solar energy system than you are currently paying on your utility bill. If this sounds like you, or a friend, or hypothetical person that has a name similar to yours, you might want to get a free quote.

Pingo Solar is doing business in Southern California and they offer free quotes on solar installations Click this link to check them out!

