Solar Energy Systems in 2018

Pingo Solar
The Pingo Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2018

A lot can happen in a year. And if you would like to go over 2017 with us, you might want to check out our post titled A Year In Review: Solar Energy Systems in 2017. In this post, here we will explore what 2018 will bring us in the Solar Industry and how we can gauge for change and manage our expectations.

What We Know

The GOP has had to find ways to pay for its promised tax cuts, which could cost over $1 trillion. And so Republicans have been scrambling to fill the void with ideas ranging from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to undoing tax breaks for renewable energy.

Both the House and Senate versions of the Republican tax bill now include provisions that would seriously threaten the wind and solar industries. The hemming and hawing over them is meanwhile also stalling more than $20 billion in investment in clean energy, according to Democratic lawmakers who oppose the cuts.

But here’s the catch: wind and solar are booming not just in deep blue states like California, but also in red states like Texas, Wyoming, Kansas, and Iowa.

Texas, Wyoming, Kansas, and Colorado have become leaders in renewable energy and also benefit from federal incentives for electric cars and home efficiency upgrades that could be cut under the bill.

And so as the Senate gets closer to a final vote, some Republicans are becoming squeamish about allowing those provisions through as they weigh their desire to cut taxes against wind and solar jobs for their constituents. Solar Panels and Inverters are coming down in price for residential units; and with deep subsidies or tax credits for home owners in different states, and a trend of utility companies choosing to take on more profits, thus raising rates for their users, solar has become a perfect escape from the utility companies. — Umar Irfan | Vox

Tariffs in 2018

Transitional Year

It has been a transitional year, to be certain. Within the residential solar industry there have been a more and more changes. Each one of these changes is a shift from the solar lease, to Solar Energy System sales. We’ve seen Tesla throttle back it’s own solar business.

When it was still called ‘SolarCity’, Tesla’s solar business was so strong in the residential market that it was installing over 30% of the solar arrays in the US.

Some assumed that SolarCity was riding the growth of the industry while others suggested that the company was driving that growth.

But now that Tesla acquired the company and shifted their strategy toward fewer installations with higher profit margin, they are linked to an overall fall in installations in the market. — Fred Lambert | Electrek

To watch a giant in tech get knocked about is daunting. When you start to look into the politics it goes even deeper. Can we have business ventures that are risking millions, when with a pen stroke, the entire business model could be in jeopardy.

Help us, President Trump. The Solar Industry Needs Your Help! Will 2018 Be the Year of Protectionism? Trump Alone Will Decide.

Here’s what the consumers need to know

Solar is not going away. Solar is not a bad investment. There are simply powers at play which are limiting or making the availability of certain panels, inverters and optimizers harder. Business models have been changed and adapted for certain market trends which may have shifted. Utility companies are still raising their rates, regardless of whether or not you spent more or less on the grid this year. It makes sense to get off the grid, or at least work towards getting paid for putting solar power back into the grid.

One of the coolest things when you install solar, and have gotten your dashboard all running is looking at the arrow which normally points from the grid to your home. When you are drawing in surplus solar and your solar energy system is attached to the grid, what you will see is the arrow point back to the grid, as you are supplying them the energy; which they will use on other customers, effectively giving you a credit you are then balancing throughout your billing cycle. It is very possible to get paid by your Utility company rather than payment, based off the solar energy surplus in the forms of kW, which you are creating.

Okay Let’s Pull Out of This Doom & Gloom

I know, it sounds like Solar is going away, or at the very least it is going to be nerfed by the government. Let me reassure you, there are many in the Solar Industry who are there to make sure that Solar Energy indeed gets pushed forward, and moves into more and more people’s homes. One of such companies is Pingo Solar; America’s #1 Solar Company Online. Never fear, we are here to help you. In fact, we’ve created a business model which is nimble and fresh, to help our customers into their Solar Energy System at a price point which is a lot easier to swallow than the other guys. We are a group of technicians who work fast and efficiently, and concerned with the end user’s experience and their budget.

How Does This Affect Your Solar Panel Purchase?

It really depends on who your Solar Panel Installer is. When you call us at Pingo Solar, we don’t have high commission based sales men trying to shove the square piece into the triangle hole. We work with you to find the right fit for you. What’s more, is we are committed to finding a way for you to go solar while paying less than you pay now for your utilities. That’s right, get Solar Panels and gain your independence for your own power at a rate that is less than what you are paying now.

Give us a call today: +1 (760) 888–1228 or click this link and give us a few pieces of information and we will call you back and go over all of your options, or any of your questions.

