3 Ways Being Bullied As A Kid Made Me A Stronger Adult

There are things I no longer tolerate

Tosin Sanusi
The Pink


Photo credit: Godisable Jacob on Pexels

I used to be a childcare worker at multiple schools in my city. On the job, I got to observe how children navigate social situations that many adults still struggle with. As you can imagine, bullying was a common occurrence. One incident was unforgettable.

I was working an after-school shift at a program with lots of conflict and issues with respect. I noticed one young man who was singled out repeatedly and called a name he obviously didn’t like.

Throughout my shift, I watched him endure relentless taunting that continued even with verbal warnings and eventually, reprimands from myself and the other workers.

I could tell the poor kid had reached his boiling point when during a spat, he screamed at the top of his lungs “Stop!” the other children laughed. “Six years!”, he continued. “I’m so tired of this”.

I heard someone who had been tortured every day for years in a place where they were supposed to be safe. The group leader saw an unnecessarily belligerent child who deserved a time-out.

The striking part of that experience wasn’t his outburst — anyone who works in childcare knows that those are an almost daily reality. The way my coworker reacted is what caught…



Tosin Sanusi
The Pink

Devoted cat mother. Sagittarius lady. Lifelong learner. Lover of food. tosinsanusiwriter.com