Athena’s Unfinished Business

Oh, Athena!

The Pink
2 min readNov 1, 2021


Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

Daughter of Zeus, goddess of war, wisdom, and good counsel.

Oh! the stories that are told of you

Your bravery, your wisdom, your aegis of arts and sciences,

One thing was left half-done,

Oh, great Athena, your temple was defiled —

Beautiful Medusa with the golden locks was there

Poseidon ached for her and raped her

You meted punishment —

Her glorious hair was turned to snakes, venomous snakes

Her eyes bulging from her hideous face, became

A weapon — a glance turned onlookers to stone.

Oh, great and wise Athena,

My only prayer is to make perfect Medusa’s penalty

Let her gaze turn only her assailant to stone

Give her recourse and let her live without shame.



The Pink

Finding my writing niche, using the tools of creativity.