Find Yourself Before Somebody Finds You

Everyone’s looking for the right person rather than BE the right person — Gloria Steinem

Tia Ella Gliata
The Pink


Photo by Serkan Göktay from Pexels

You know that scene in Glee season 4 when Santana left Brittany because their long-term relationship didn’t work and Brittany quickly fell off and lost herself?

Needless to say, I couldn’t think of a better example.

In a lot of drama-romance movies/tv shows, there are often scenes where a couple breaks up and for one person it looks like the end of the world.

No offense to the lovely drama plots, but 9.9 out of 10, it probably isn’t.

It might feel like it in the first 3–10 days and it is okay to mourn the relationship for a while.

You have something special with someone that you get to cherish for the rest of your life. But if it turns out that it doesn’t work, then it might just not be the right person or the right situation or the right timing. At the end of the day, you just gotta toughen up, hold yourself high, and move on.

It is true that it might be easier said than done, but the key to doing that is having a good foundation for yourself.

“The best way to design my life is to know who I am ” — Diana Ross



Tia Ella Gliata
The Pink

Pouring my heart out. Writing as self-therapy. Healthy lifestyle, exploring, & building a community I’ll devote my life to. Cheerio!