Men see these situations differently…

… and it needs to change

Michaela K
The Pink


Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

I have been with my husband for over 10 years. We have grown a lot together but in one way we were and still are growing apart. That is, in a way how differently we see the same situation. I, as a woman, he as a man.

When I realised that, I have started writing these different outlooks on the world down. Here are the stories that happened to us and we both saw something different in them.

Being aware of surroundings.

When working as a receptionist, I happened to be almost alone in the whole building. A contractor came in and I escorted him to the room he was looking for. Just before I stepped outside of the corridor, I realised that if I went to that part of the building with him, none of my colleagues would hear me if anything happened, so I let him walk by himself for the rest of the time.

When I was telling this story to my husband, he was really surprised. It never occurred to him that women are aware of their surroundings to such a degree that we plan escape routes in our heads in advance.

Being left out of conversations.

We have been renovating our new flat and therefore meeting with contractors. When on a meeting with one of them, I was…



Michaela K
The Pink

Personal finance, Investing and Life in general