Presenting, Scribble!

A Monthly prompt for the Writers of The Pink to share their takes and interpretations on various topics: from politics to personal and abstract.

Ritika Sharma
The Pink


Image by Editor (Ritika Sharma)

(Please read the whole piece. Check the bottom of the page for the Scribble of the month.)

Not a long while ago, I found myself thinking about the writer I used to be. I would always describe myself as a storyteller. Not a writer, not an author, just someone who wanted to share stories of the world with the world.

Then somewhere in the middle of getting my college degree and working my ass off, that thought disappeared from my mind to make room for other worries to settle.

But last year, being home, with no college classes and life meeting a stand-still, I found myself drawn to the things I used to love as a kid/teenager and in came Medium. Soon I was channelling all my thoughts, my opinions and life lessons onto this amazing, supportive platform that I see more as a community of writers.

Now, we all know the type of content that does amazingly on Medium. Medium loves personal stories about life lessons, improvements or opinions on a variety of matter; business or politics. At the end of the day, what Medium really loves is real stories that are personal to the lives…



Ritika Sharma
The Pink

She/Her, Brown, Creator and Editor of The Pink, Feminist, Storyteller and Fashion Enthusiast. Follow me here: