Rapunzel from “Tangled” is the Best Disney Princess

She’s the perfect role model for young girls

Haylee Griffith
The Pink


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Almost every Disney fanatic can come to an agreeance that Tangled is without a doubt the best. Many say it’s because of the message Rapunzel sent when she chased her dreams no matter the obstacles that came in her way or the fact she turned Flynn Rider from a heartless thief to a sweet man.

While those definitely add to the greatness of the movie, let’s finally start talking about the real reason this movie is so great: Rapunzel showed little girls what a real princess is capable of.

Changing the game for Disney princesses

It’s no secret that Disney constantly makes princesses look helpless until a big strong man comes and saves them, but Rapunzel’s story is so much more. While Flynn Rider did come and save her from the tower, she is still the heroine of her own story.

Throughout the entire movie, Rapunzel remains independent and doesn’t expect Flynn to do everything for her. The woman carried around a frying pan for crying out loud, she was ready for anything. Instead of waiting for her life to begin, Rapunzel saw an opportunity and took it, putting her own wants and desires first for once.



Haylee Griffith
The Pink

18 years old, 4X winner- Best of State Student Journalist — I like cats and spend too much time on TikTok, Contact: httpshaylee374@gmail.com