So You Think You Might Be Breaking Up…

3 things to tell yourself when facing that final step

Tom Brand
The Pink
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

There’s no other way to really look at it; ending a relationship hurts.

Sometimes it hurts because of a betrayal of trust. Sometimes its hurts because you still love someone who no longer loves you. And sometimes it hurts because despite the fact both of you know it’s the right decision, it’s painful to accept something good has come to an end.

There is no universal way to deal with and process a potential breakup.

But if you’re at the point where you feel your relationship could be at an end, the most crucial thing is to be honest with yourself. Sometimes the decision might be easy, and sometimes it might be hard. But either way, if you’re not honest with yourself, you won’t be able to see what’s best for you or your partner.

So, if you think your relationship might be at an end, what questions should you be asking yourself?

Now, I’m no relationship expert. I’ve no professional training. I’ve conducted no studies. I’ve not interviewed people to get a rounded and well-developed knowledge of how breakups work.



Tom Brand
The Pink

Blogging about polyamory, ethical-non-monogamy, and modern relationships | (He/Him) | |