The Somerton Man and His Mysterious Death
No one never knew who he was. He died just like that.
On November 30th, 1948 just after 7 pm John Lyons and his wife were taking a walk on the Somerton beach when something catches their eye. There was a middle-aged man laying on the sand dressed in a suit and tie with his head propped against a seawall. He stretched his right arm upward then it fell back to the ground. Lyons thought he was just drunk. About an hour later there was another couple that noticed him in the same position. They noticed that he was dressed in a suit and tie. And their thought was why would he even wear a suit at the beach. He didn’t move at all and mosquitos surrounded his face. So the couple thought he was just sleeping.
Dr. John Bennett thinks he died of heart failure, but it looks like his heart was perfectly healthy until it stopped beating. His spleen was 3 times the normal size and his liver and stomach were full of blood. Bennett thinks it’s a sign of poison. So he puts the time of death in at about 2 am. The things that were in his pocket were spread out on a table. He had tickets from Adelaide to the beach, some matches, a pack of gum, two combs, and a pack of cigarettes. He didn’t have any cash, wallet, or even his ID. So Dr. Dwyer removes his and turns them for testing, but it all comes back negative. There’s no trace of…