The Truth About Being a Henna Artist in the South-Asian Community

Can we please reclaim the term ‘Mehndi-Waali’?

Sabah Ismail✨
The Pink


Image Credit: Author’s Own

There is a problem in South Asian communities — even among South Asians born and brought up in western 21st century Britain. That problem is one of superiority and one that, in my time as a professional henna artist, I experienced first hand one too many times.

For those that don’t know what henna actually is, it’s a paste made from the henna plant which has natural dyeing properties. As a henna artist, I would apply this paste in intricate designs on the skin, creating a temporary ‘tattoo’.

In South Asian culture, henna is a big part of wedding celebrations; traditionally the bride has her hands, arms and feet adorned, while other women in the wedding party tend to paint their hands with the pretty patterns. It’s BIG business. And it’s fun!

The caste system

Back in India, the archaic caste system which exists even up to today divides people into ranks depending on their occupation; a pyramid kind of system where those from poor backgrounds would be at the bottom of the system and therefore on the bottom rungs of society, and those from richer backgrounds would obviously be higher up.



Sabah Ismail✨
The Pink

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.