What You Really Mean When You Call A Black Woman ''Loud''

Despite having facts to support our arguments we are turned into the antagonist

Petiri Ira
The Pink


Source: Unsplash

Imagine just wanting to uninterruptedly speak your truth and justify your opinions with valid statements to back your argument. Imagine just wanting to speak out on issues that affect you and those that look like you and again support your assertions with supporting evidence. But no, upon this attempt you are immediately labelled as the villain for just stating your opinion in an argument. This is the reality for a black woman.

In society when a black woman decides to speak up on issues that she has to face in her daily life due to her skin colour, society decides to downplay her pain and dehumanise her and turn the tables on her to make her a villain at that moment.

When we think of a villain, we think of a character that is malicious and devoted to spite and wickedness. Now, why is the case for black women? Well, this is because of the plethora of demeaning stereotypes and tropes that surround our existence. This includes the angry black woman trope, sapphire trope and of course misogynoir. Now even though these tropes predate back to the early 19th and 20th century they are still overtly present in our communities and used against black women.



Petiri Ira
The Pink

Bylines in Screenshot Media, gal-dem, Malalafund, Momentum, ZORA. Contact: petiriira@gmail.com