Social Media Marketing, SEO

Which Social Media Sites to use for improving your Website’s SEO (Part 2)

An underrated tool for SEO, here’s how and which social media site you should use to improve your Website’s SEO

The Pink


Image by TemplateToaster

The huge world of Social Media can be overwhelming. There is the slang to keep up with, the trends to do so as to keep your brand fresh, relevant and hot and don’t even get us started on all the strategising and scheduling to look after!

To keep up with the enormous strategising in the world of marketing is not enough if the social media site you selected doesn’t even help your brand the right way. In this way, the social media site that you choose for your business and its website makes all the difference between ‘wasted potential’ and ‘stock being sold out’.

This is Part 2 in the series: Which Social Media Sites to use for improving your Website’s SEO. In Part 1, we discussed the various factors to be kept in mind while making your decision of which social media site to choose. Today, we discuss the various social media sites you can choose from, what they are famous for, the audience demographic of each, followed by a few marketing tips based on each site.

But before we uncover the marketing secrets of every platform, I’d suggest you go through Part 1 of the series.

Let’s dive right in!


There is no doubt in the fact that Instagram is one of the most powerful channels out there for any business to include in its social media marketing campaign. With a platform that has more than one billion monthly active users, it can be a bit overwhelming to navigate and build a loyal following for your business. On the other hand, the huge amount of traffic is a major opportunity for businesses and the exposure of their brand.

The best thing about Instagram is that it brings people from all walks of life together. You could be an entrepreneur, an influencer, a student; having an Instagram account has become a social necessity. Here’s how you can use Instagram to elevate your website’s ranking:

  • Having Online Mentions and Reviews is known to help your SEO (as shared by Google’s Gary Illyes), so aim at getting mentions and tagged by your customers on the things they post.
  • Collaborate with Influencers who will mention your brand in their posts.
  • Put the link to your website in your bio.
  • Design your Instagram content in coordination with your blog posts. Tease your viewers with a question or a prompt on Instagram which will pull your followers towards your blog.
  • Use engagement tools available in Instagram Stories (Questions, Polls). This will not have any direct impact on SEO but many indirect advantages.
  • Engage your followers through hosting challenges, giveaways, etc.


Medium may not be your average, trending social media site to pay close attention to but let me prove that wrong. I mean, yes, Medium isn’t as popular, it’s more of a Writer’s Haven. But it can be a game-changer to your marketing strategy and there are two reasons for that:

  1. You can build a following and meet like-minded people in your niche.
  2. You can build a whole community, support other writers/bloggers and meet industry experts relevant to your niche.

One thing to really pay attention to when thinking about marketing on Medium is whether the type of user base even matches your customer persona. For this, you can give the following article a read:

Here’s how you can use Medium to elevate your website’s ranking:

  • Promote your blog/website at the end of each article or story you post by adding the link.
  • Aim for the title of ‘Chosen for Distribution’. Medium has its own Editorial Team for Curation. Under this, your article can get chosen for further distribution under multiple titles to relevant readers, such that your work gets exposure out of your regular circle of followers and readers.
  • Write content with a touch of personal narrative. Talk about experiences, learnings or opinions. Sales-sy, advertisement-like content never does well on Medium.
  • Write full articles. Don’t leave the article in the middle and add the link to the rest of the blog that will be on your website. Work on your reputation among the community and provide content of value to your readers.
  • Don’t use click-bait titles.
  • On Medium, focus on building a community. Support other writers or the community and you’ll be supported as well.


Twitter might not be your typical channel for social media marketing, seeing as it is more a textual platform than a visual one. But when it comes to SEO, Twitter can do what Instagram cannot: independent link sharing.

Here’s how you can use Twitter to elevate your website’s ranking:

  • Whenever a blog post is up, promote by tweeting a link to it. This way, your followers will directly be able to reach the blog post in just one click or tap.
  • Mention a link to your website on your bio.
  • Don’t just promote links. People don’t log onto Twitter to just read blogs. Tweet thoughts, experiences or whatever appeals to your target audience.


  • Facebook is more or less similar to Instagram. The only advantage is that you can add text and links in your captions and isn’t excessively as visual as Instagram, so do take advantage of that.
  • Facebook Groups are an amazing way to build a community, promote your blogs/website and meet other industry experts in your niche for partnerships and collaboration on projects.


Clubhouse is relatively new territory. While it’s not completely sure how you can use it to elevate your website’s SEO, you can definitely use it for Marketing. Here’s an article you can read to know more about Clubhouse:



The Pink

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