Why Do Women Keep Posting Selfies?

They were beautiful the first time they posted it

L.A. Strucke
The Pink


Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

As I scroll through Facebook, I enjoy looking at the interesting content and photos people post. Yet lately, I’ve noticed there are a lot of people posting selfies — usually women. They are not posting a selfie once, this is an everyday occurrence. After they post a photo, all of their Facebook friends tell them how beautiful they are. A day or two later, there’s another photo of themselves on their page. Wasn’t one photo enough? Is this a thing now?

Yes, I do agree these women look great and I’ll give it a like on Facebook. But why do they need this validation every day? Does no one at home ever compliment them? Am I the only one who feels this way?

They are posting photos of themselves daily. They show off a new haircut or outfit. They pose in a glamour shot. Their girlfriends (and sometimes the occasional lovestruck man) shower them with compliments.

Some of them enjoy posting professional photos repeatedly of themselves posing with their teen daughter.

They get comments like “You look like her twin,” “You look like sisters,” and “You haven’t aged a bit.”

After a while, it grows tiresome. How many times can you tell someone they are beautiful?



L.A. Strucke
The Pink

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.