Why Smart Girls Think Body Positivity is a Lie

We’re quick to dismiss the truth even when it’s right in front of us.

Nandini Maharaj, PhD
The Pink


Photo by De’Andre Bush on Unsplash

I brace myself for the onslaught of comments. The inflammatory posts from instigators who wage cowardly battles against confident women who aren’t ashamed of who they are. I scroll quickly looking to confirm long-held insecurities festering among the replies. But what’s this?

Beautiful, as always

That bag though…and the shoes

Hearts and fire emojis

LOVE YOU in this and more fire emojis

Where did you get that tank?

Perfect color on you


*Stunning* in this

I’m stunned, just stunned

And so on…okay the last one is just me conjuring Blanche Devereaux.

I keep reading but there’s not a single hint of negativity. Not even so much as a self-deprecating remark in the name of girl power. Mind you these are all women commenting. Nonetheless, the overarching message is one of love, friendship, and empowerment.



Nandini Maharaj, PhD
The Pink

Writer. Dog mom. Exploring relationships and how they impact the way we live, work, and see ourselves. Stories about dogs and their people. nandinimaharaj.com