Why we need strong women

We, humans, tend to believe only what we see. That is why we need to see more female heroes, to create more of them.

Verena Wilmes
The Pink
3 min readMar 14, 2021


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash (edited by Ritika Sharma)

We need role models. We — all the little girls, watching sports on TV and telling everyone who wants to hear it, that that is going to be us someday. The trophy-winning athlete. We — who are replied to, that that can never be us because we are women, not men. And for women, there is no money to gain in sports.

However, it is not just the money and it is not just about sports. We need female role models. Women, personalities, who push and shift our limits and show us, what is possible for us. These women exist, who are unapologetically themselves, who go their way, without letting themselves be intimidated or frightened by discriminations, obstacles or disapproval. Women, who impress the world with their performances in sports, in the military, in politics or in the world of business. Women who have something to say, use their voice and fight for a better world. There is an ongoing debate about how visible these women are and it is clear, that we need more visibility for our strong women.

But what makes any human being “strong”?

It may be someone, who knows who she is, what she wants and what she is capable of doing. Someone, who shows, what she is made of, especially when life is not smooth sailing or going as planned. They are showing their true selves, even when internal doubts and insecurities grow. All of those characteristics apply to strong women. However, they also seem to have a different mindset.

They challenge physical limits and the limits someone else set for women. They question ideal female images, follow their interests and do not let the world define what a woman’s life should look like. They walk their own path, are willing to work and may even dream about putting their mark on the world. They are not simply the token woman, they were too good to be ignored and they do not owe thanks to anyone, since they earned their spot.

These women exist, mostly there, where life is not covered by the media. They do not blame their destiny; they fight for their happiness and fortune. They are reliable whatever the weather, passionate, chase more than money and status symbols. They are intelligent, emotional, loud or quiet, in a good or bad mood, they are who they are, in all colours and shapes. They woman-up and chase their goals and they deserve our respect.

Our respect — the respect of other women. Too often we tend to envy those of us who gained what we have not, behaving as if there would be not enough space for more strong women. We need to stop that and start to support our fellow women, as well as men, support their XY-chromosomal colleagues. Together we can change the future perspectives for little girls, paving the way, instead of them being dependent on men who reluctantly give them space in “their” world.

Some people may think it is unnecessary to make more successful women visible on the top floors of companies, in politics and sports. But these are the role models, little girls should see. By seeing them, they can realize, that with discipline, hard work and maybe some kind of luck, the whole world is open to them. They deserve the same chances, that every little boy has. They should recognize that not being a man is no apology for nothing.

We, humans, tend to believe only what we see. That is why we need to see more female heroes, to create more of them. Only when we see them, we believe that it is possible for us.


