
J. Murdock McInnes Vasey
The Pinko Rat
1 min readFeb 17, 2023


I watched this woman yesterday
She looked real good to me
She was talking on her phone
Walking straight into the sea

I could have reached and held her arm
But I did not, I did not care
Her own fault she came to harm
I can pretend I wasn’t there

ChatGPT, 2/13/2023

The poem “Bystander” tells a disturbing story about a person who sees someone in distress but chooses not to intervene. The speaker describes watching a woman who appears to be walking into the sea while talking on her phone, and despite the woman’s obvious danger, the speaker decides not to reach out and help. The poem suggests a lack of empathy and compassion, as the speaker seems to be indifferent to the woman’s plight and is willing to let her come to harm.

The poem raises important questions about individual responsibility and the role of bystanders in helping those in need. It implies a critique of a society that has become increasingly detached and apathetic towards the suffering of others. The speaker’s lack of action is a disturbing reminder of the potential consequences of not taking responsibility for our fellow human beings. The poem is a call to action, urging readers to take responsibility for the well-being of others and to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion towards those in need.

