Free Will

J. Murdock McInnes Vasey
The Pinko Rat
1 min readFeb 17, 2023


I’m so glad I am a Christian
My God gave me free will
I am completely free to chose
And pick exactly who to kill

I must assume he gave the same
To everyone I hit
It’s not my fault, I’m not to blame
They had chosen where to sit

ChatGPT, 2/17/2023

This poem appears to be a satirical take on the idea of free will in Christianity, specifically on the notion that it allows people to make immoral choices without accountability. The speaker sarcastically suggests that because they have free will, they are free to choose to kill others, as if that is a desirable and morally justifiable action.

The poem also seems to be criticizing the idea of using religion to justify one’s own actions, even when they are harmful to others. The speaker’s tone is mocking, highlighting the absurdity of using faith to excuse immoral behavior.

Overall, the poem raises questions about the nature of free will and how it relates to moral responsibility. It also challenges the idea of using religion to justify harmful actions, suggesting that true freedom and morality require more than just blindly following a set of beliefs.

