Only The Black Dog Knew My Boss Was Self-Harming

Helping strangers is easier than helping friends

Piree Lua
The Pirella


Edvard Munch: Angry dog Source: Munchmuseet

Strangers can seem like friends. Friends, like strangers.

Have you ever gone to buy something, discovered you were a bit short and had someone in the queue offer to pay instead?

It happened to me yesterday!

I went to get some milk, got to the till and found I’d left my money at home. The person behind me told the cashier to ring it up with their things. I was so mortified and so grateful all at once.

If this was LinkedIn, I’d add an inspiring TED worthy motivational message about how there are still some good people in the world and it restores faith in humanity, blah blah blah.

But I’m thinking your faith in humanity was never lost and you already know good things happen every day because good things happening never stopped!

It’s just that dumb people have the loudest voices and they take up all the news so you end up thinking everyone outside your immediate circle is an arse.

Truth is almost everyone will help out a stranger.

It’s helping out a friend that takes more work.

Stuart’s on the ledge with a pack of dogs



Piree Lua
The Pirella

Silver-haired bird ~ Haven’t drunk the woke-aid ~ British-Asian writer ~ Writing about you (probably)