Someone Wrote Satire And I Thought It Was True

Some humour sails too close to the bone

Piree Lua
The Pirella


Source: James Vaughan under license

Smillew Rahcuef writes great articles! Some are an obvious parody, others I have to look twice to check.

I didn’t look hard enough the other day though and he got me. Boo!

He wrote an article about non-paying members and obviously, I’m going to agree they’re freeloaders, right?

I got a ton of likes on a comment I wrote and when I went to check them out, I stayed to read everyone else’s comments too. And OH NO! People are saying it’s a satire article and they’re loving the humour!

[I’m just here for] the very serious responses to humor articles by readers who have no sense of humor — said Emily Jennings


I have a sense of humour, Emily! lol… see? lol, again.

So, what satire did I miss?

I read Smillew’s article again…. and I see the humour but I still see no satire! I agree with it all! Hero!

This must be what it’s like for religious people. Those lovelies read a book and agree with everything all the while everyone else is whispering nooooo.



Piree Lua
The Pirella

Silver-haired bird ~ Haven’t drunk the woke-aid ~ British-Asian writer ~ Writing about you (probably)