Writing on Medium Got Me Noticed

They contacted me because my email address is in my bio

Piree Lua
The Pirella
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2022


Zebra by George Stubbs - Source

I signed my contract yesterday and can finally share my good news!

Someone read my articles, got in touch, had a chat and offered me a job. A very good job that doesn’t have sex worke… err, content writer in the title.

The title they’ve given me is pretty awful, but the job is a match made in heaven — I interrogated them as much as they interrogated me so we both know what we’re getting into.

I’m now the Diversity and Equality Consultant for an organisation that’s sailing the good ship Common Sense through the choppy seas of Wokery and Bandwagons. They like me because I’m not BLM or Stonewall. I like them because they still like white people.

I told them about the passenger my husband drove when he was an Uber driver.

One day he picks up a female passenger in Croydon. BLM matters are in the news and as the black Head of Diversity for a big city consultancy, she’s putting together a panel to discuss diversity issues.

She’s on the phone to one of her…



Piree Lua
The Pirella

Silver-haired bird ~ Haven’t drunk the woke-aid ~ British-Asian writer ~ Writing about you (probably) pireelua@gmail.com