The Pixels — Telegram Communities Battle

The Pixels
Published in
6 min readMar 6, 2024


Telegram has become the go-to place where a vast array of communities interact and communicate on a daily basis. It’s the de facto standard for all kinds of groups — sports, gaming, city-focused, political, and especially those involved in web3 projects. But which communities are the most active? Which are the closest-knit? The most vibrant? The most creative?

We’re launching The Pixels Battle to answer all these questions.

What is The Pixels?

The Pixels Battle is a thrilling competition between Telegram communities, fighting for space on a giant canvas of 1 million pixels (1024 by 1024 pixels). In The Pixels, any Telegram community, be it chats or channels, can participate. Every Telegram user has the opportunity to form their own squad based on any channel or chat of their choice.

Once a squad is formed, the administrator can set a goal using any image, pick a spot for it on the canvas, and invite friends to join the squad. Together, they work towards coloring their goal.

Every player can color exactly one pixel on the squad’s target every 7 seconds. Squads in The Pixels compete against each other for the privilege of being featured on the canvas. Yes, the goals of different squads will overlap on the canvas, and participants will continuously battle over the right to own specific pixels on this shared canvas.

One Million Pixels NFT

The Pixels Battle is set to be a 10-week marathon of creativity, with a twist that infuses modern tech into the traditional spirit of competition. Every 7 days, we’ll capture a snapshot of the canvas, immortalizing the week’s fierce battles among Telegram communities by minting them into NFTs on This isn’t just about claiming a spot on the canvas; it’s about etching your community’s efforts into the annals of The Pixels Battle history. If your community’s goal appears on the canvas at the moment of capture, you’ve secured your legacy.

Each of the 10 snapshots will be appraised and sold at market value, with the proceeds distributed exclusively among the users whose pixels form the One Million Pixels NFT. But the rewards don’t stop there. Every participant also has the chance to mine the internal currency, $PXL, awarded for each pixel placed and other forms of activity within the competition.

$PXL and How It Works

$PXL serves as the game’s internal currency, a pivotal tool for those looking to amplify their impact on the canvas. With $PXL, players can purchase boosters from the in-game shop, dramatically enhancing their capability. Instead of coloring a single pixel every 7 seconds, boosters can empower you to color up to 5 pixels at once. This significantly increases your chances of having your pixels featured in the canvas snapshot, making each action more strategic and impactful.

But how does one acquire $PXL? There are three primary avenues to mine this valuable currency:

  • Coloring Pixels: The very act of participating, of adding your mark to the canvas, rewards you with $PXL. It’s a simple yet powerful incentive to keep engaging with the competition. $PXL is going to be a token with absolutely fair distribution.
  • Referral Program: By bringing more participants into the fold, you can earn $PXL. Each new player you introduce to The Pixels Battle through your referral enriches the competition and contributes to your own treasury of $PXL.
  • Minting Pixels on the Canvas: This innovative method allows you to mint your pixels directly onto the canvas, securing your artistic contributions and earning $PXL in the process.

Let’s delve deeper into each method.

Coloring Pixels

Every time you color a pixel, you’re rewarded with $PXL, which can accumulate and later be used to purchase boosters. The more frequently you paint pixels, the higher your $PXL reward escalates. Consistency is key to success here. Make it a daily ritual to dive in and keep your streaks ablaze, dominating the leaderboard to earn more $PXL at a time. The amount you earn per pixel isn’t arbitrary; it’s influenced by various factors. Try placing your first pixel to discover what impacts your rewards and watch as your strategy evolves with each color you lay down.

Referral Program

Inviting friends to join the battle serves as the second avenue for mining $PXL, offering you bonuses for each friend recruited and for every pixel they color. The referral program is designed with a three-tier system, enabling you to earn $PXL passively not just from your direct invites but also from those they invite, and even from the friends of your friends’ invitees. The rewards for users across different levels are structured as follows:

  • 10% for Level 1 referrals
  • 5% for Level 2 referrals
  • 1% for Level 3 referrals

Minting Pixels on the Canvas

The final and perhaps the most certain way to earn $PXL is by minting a specific pixel on the canvas. After coloring a pixel, you can mint that specific pixel (with its unique coordinates) and start earning $PXL passively. Minting a pixel is done with TON and follows the formula provided below, allowing the pixel’s owner to earn 300 $PXL every time their pixel is recolored by someone else.

Where N is the serial number of a minted pixel.

Please note: minting price for pixels constantly grows. Prices for some pixels are shown below:

Minted pixels cannot be sold or transferred at the game’s release and during the initial three weeks. However, starting from the fourth week, each minted pixel can be transformed into a genuine NFT, opening up opportunities for trading on secondary markets using NFT marketplaces on TON.

Upon the conclusion of the 10-week period, $PXL will be released as jetton on the TON blockchain and distributed among users. Additionally, 51% of the TON collected from minting pixels will be directed into $PXL/TON liquidity pools on DEXs that list $PXL.

This transition marks a significant milestone in The Pixels Battle, elevating the competition from an engaging digital canvas to a dynamic ecosystem intertwined with the real-world economy. By enabling the conversion of minted pixels into tradable NFTs, the game bridges the gap between digital creativity and tangible value, allowing participants to not only earn through their artistic contributions but also through strategic investments and trades in the burgeoning NFT market.

Bonus for Channel Owners

Nothing unites players quite like facing challenges together. For the admins of Telegram channels and groups, this presents a unique opportunity to add an element of fun for your subscribers. Moreover, it’s a chance to drive additional traffic to your channel through the game’s internal mechanics.

Instead of Conclusion

The Pixels is a social experiment within Telegram aimed at exploring several intriguing questions:

  • Which communities are the most active?
  • Which groups are the most cohesive?
  • Which are the most vibrant?
  • And which are the most creative?

For those ready to dive in and make history, your journey begins with this Telegram bot @the_pixels_bot.

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