Put in the time

Make No Assumptions~

And time will be your friend


Photo of one very handsome gentleman

On a number of occasions now over time I have either been asked or it was assumed that building a list of followers comes easy. Perhaps it does. Perhaps for some it comes overnight.

I have said and will continue to say this one thing,
Put in the time
Time will be your Friend
I have been a member of the Medium forum from sometime back between 2012–14

ON JULY 2016 I registered 15 followers

After a several hundred articles/poems and or essays coupled with an unknown number of engagements, here we are at 1100+ followers.

ON JULY 2023 I have registered 1,093 followers. There were no big signing up drives for followers nor were there any free drinks etc, just work over time when time was available and inspiration present. So while for some, they have gathered multiple thousands over lesser time, I have done that which I can gladly say, “I did it my way”

I am so very thankful for those having taken the time to engage in my work and even more so, decided to join and or receive emails notifying of my writings.

Over the next short period, I would like to notify all that I will be focusing on the completion of my serial fictions that I have been working on for over a decade.

The very 1st, a new format I called,


Photo of a young very handsome young man, Master B.A Huie

This six part short (made for streaming) dramatized autobiography will introduce the reader to the life of growing up in the caribbean Nation of Jamaica. Port Antonio, Jamaica has a rich historical biography of its own along with a glamourous Hollywood connection. A very proud historical connection is to have been blessed with the namesake of one known as
“The Father of Art” in Jamaica Mr. Albert Huie Sr.

Photo of Mr. Albert Huie Sr.
Photo of City Centre Port Antonio Jamaica

The late Errol Flynn, having built one of his homes there, when coupled with the stories of Pirates on the high seas having used that area of the Nation for buried treasures, right up to our modern times with numerous artist such as Snoop Dog’s studio, this story will offer you something completely different.

NOIR AM *[The Trilogy]

Photo of a young very handsome slightly older man, Mr. B.A Huie

Noir AM, (Dark Morning) completely written in English, is a
(TRILOGY) Spiritual Adventure Fiction.
The writing of this Trilogy has its own story to tell but that will come at a later time.

NOIR AM is the first of the Trilogy, followed by the second book of the Trilogy….


Photo commissioned by Mr. B.A Huie

and the closing story is

Photo created by B.A Huie

The final serial fiction and a most exciting story, covering decades of traditions and the strength of the human spirit

Photo via unsplash

While we are most excited about this series and equally so, very much intend to push for its wider distribution it is important to note

Let us take this time to remind all readers, whilst not many of the episodes, there are others in this series could prove triggering for some. The episodes deal with content of abuse and while not explicit, some sexual violence and sexual eroticism in addition to other adult content.

This is a 10 Episode Season 1 introduction
to this rather exciting series,

We encourage you to kindly take time and share time with any or all of our Series.
Please share with us your views, most appreciated.


Tribute in memory of
Mr. Chris James Mooney

Thank you



Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Plan-B Vibe

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous