Motherhood is Messy

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2019
Photo by Sean Roy on Unsplash

Motherhood is Messy.

It messes with your mind.
It messes with your heart.
It messes with your body.

When you think you understand your child, you do not.
When you think you cannot love your child anymore, you do.
When you think your body is at exhaustion, you press on.

Motherhood is exhausting for years. You run on empty. You lose decades of sleep and you press on. You get up early for soccer, ballet, swim, and numerous other events. Your kid grows and then you are up to teach them up to drive, to get them to SAT testing, and to doctor appointments.

Your child lies for the first time, your child slams their door, tells you they hate you, argue about everything with you, but tell you nothing about what is going on with them. Motherhood tries to drain you of all your mental energy and still you go on.

Your body is stretched at childbirth. It is continuously stretched to its limits by doing seven loads of laundry and carrying it all upstairs. It is stretched by lifting your child into and out of the tub. It attempts to run with your child, do cartwheels with them, and try and keep up with them at every twist and turn they take.

Motherhood is messy. We get covered in spit-up, baby food, and other less likable things. We get covered in paint, markers, and other art things. Motherhood is messy. We get covered in wet messy kisses and other wonderful things. We get covered in hugs when our child is hurting and tears when they cry on our shoulder. We get covered in make up the first time they attempt to only put on a little, or dirt when mud cakes just had to be made.

Motherhood is messy; we cry for our children when they get hurt, we cheer for them when they try to attempt new heights, we yell for them when we think they will fall and we try to catch them from afar. Motherhood is messy. We give of ourselves, we pour our souls into our children and they battle cancer, depression, illnesses that no matter how much we try, we cannot take away from them and again, motherhood is messy. It is covered in our tears on behalf of our children. Our lives are there to support our children to encourage them, and to be there for them even if we do not agree with what they are doing. Motherhood indeed is messy.

