Ok, I’ll Play the Game

But only up to a point and by my rules

Remington Write
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2020


Image Credit — PIRO4D / Pixabay

I charged into writing on a certain unnamed platform with everything I had about two years ago. And, yes, I’m re-upping for another year. But this year I’m dancing to my own tunes and only when I feel like dancing.

See, at first, I went along with what all the experts said in those remarkably same-same type articles. I gagged with boredom reading that crap but I put on my big girl cowboy boots and gave it my best shot. And to my complete and utter shock, some of that garbage worked. I seemed to be hitting my stride, not killing it, but easily enough making it into the sacred seven percent (or is it filthy five percent? I can’t keep track) month after month.

I eased away from the tried-and-true and did even better. Niches? Oh please. Don’t fence me in, champ. My wildly all-over-the-place pieces were being curated pretty steadily. I figured I had this thing down (you can see where this is going, right?).

But this is some billionaire’s toy and that Rich Boy likes to fiddle with his toy. Maybe he wasn’t having fun anymore what with having to share so many cookies. Who knows?

Who cares?

This is three seats behind being a side hustle. This is something I do instead of playing Snood…sometimes. To be honest, a…

