One World Orgasm Day

22nd Annual — 8 August 2020 — COME TOGETHER!

aleXander hirka
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2020


KaleidErotic digital art by AleXander Hirka

On 8 August 1998, I proclaimed OWO — One World Orgasm day.
(For the more deistically minded: Global Orgasm Day.)

A proposal to have this proclaimed a national holiday has been submitted to our country’s leadership—but, as I’m sure you understand—they have been distracted with various other issues and vacations, and so it has not risen to the top of their scheduled itinerary.
Not being officially sanctioned by the government, nor (yet) being on the annual treadmill of candy-consumer-celebrations, should not keep you from joyous revelry.

Upon my proclamation of the event twenty-two years ago I created a page for the event on my website, which I have updated annually—as well as a Facebook Event page for every year. The rest I have left to word of mouth…so go ahead.

I know you’re dying to ask, so . . .

KaleidErotic digital art by AleXander Hirka


To celebrate body energy, ecstasy, pleasure, delight…and maybe even a little less crime/war/violence for a day!



aleXander hirka
Plan-B Vibe

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe.