Question №16

Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2018


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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.”
“The second best time is now.”
— Chinese Proverb

Take a good hard look at your life.

Where are you now compared to where you could be?

This question can be uncomfortable one.

Especially if you have fallen short of your own expectations, not met your goals, lived your passion or realized your desires. Yet, it’s best faced rather than avoided. It may feel uneasy but the only way out is through. That is if you’re serious about making a better future than your past.

To facilitate the process rather than being stuck with the enormity of the looming question, here are 5 more specific smaller questions to help answer the bigger one.

Tip: It is best if you write your answers. Helps organize your thoughts and facilitates clarity and perspective.

What should you have started yesterday, last week, last month, or even last year?

What would have happened if you had started last week?

What won’t happen now that you didn’t start last month?

What will continue to happen as a result of not starting last year?

What won’t happen as a result of not starting 5 years ago?

Give yourself credit where it’s due. Most likely, you did the best you could when you did what you did. Your current position in life reflects your past desires, planning and choices. However if you desire differently now, for whatever reasons, you will need to do things differently.

“If you always do what you have always done,

You will always get, what you have always got.”

Now is the time to do things differently. Do it today.

P.S. If you’re right where you should be or envisioned that you would be then pray, do share how you got there.

Read questions 1 to 15 here:



Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe

Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~