Question №23


Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe
2 min readJun 6, 2018


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If you asked me 10–15 years ago I would tell you…
I hate being alone, it makes me feel very lonely.

However over the years life put forth several circumstances/opportunities due to which I had to learn to live alone. Today, I not only feel comfortable with being alone but also enjoy it, value this time to myself and look forward to it from time to time.

For many of us, the idea of being alone is dreadful. Maybe it’s a feeling of isolation, a sense of boredom or being forced to sit, up close and personal with our own thoughts.

However we all know that the two need not be synonymous. Being alone doesn’t mean you have to feel lonely. It’s never too late to start enjoying your own company and making the most of the time for yourself.

Try developing an enjoyable interest that you can pursue alone.

Things I enjoy doing alone are:

  1. Go to the movies alone.
  2. Go sit by the lake, ocean, beach (any water body) alone.
  3. Go shopping alone.
  4. Go for a meal alone.
  5. Travel alone. (Ok I must admit, this didn’t go off so well for me. I’ve done it just once in my life so far. I kept missing companionship, someone to share with. I did enjoy some parts of it though, so this one is work in progress.)

What about you?

Are you alone and happy, or alone and lonely?

Read questions 1 to 22 here:

For more follow me @Tasneem Kagalwalla on FB, Twitter and Instagram.



Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe

Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~