Question №25

Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2018


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For the longest time I looked for love outside of me. I needed someone else to tell me that I was lovable or worthy of being loved. I needed someone else to love. Love was another person. Someone I must find.

Until one fine day, I realized that I need to love myself first.

It’s nobody’s job to love me, it’s mine.

“I am the one who dries her tears and listens to her sorrows. I am the one who wakes up in the middle of the night and laments with her over past regrets.

I’m the one who tells her she’s beautiful and supports her passions and innermost desires. I am the one who follows her blindly down undiscovered roads and keeps her company when no one’s around. I’m her true best friend.”

When we love another we love them with all the acceptance that we can garner. We always want the best for him/her. However when it comes to ourself, there are limitations. We’ll love ourself when we will get to that ideal weight, get the dream job or worse still we’ll love ourself only when we find someone who loves us.

Instead of supporting ourselves, we often drown our grievances by indulging in food and other addictions including self-pity and other self-destructive behaviors. However self-love allows one to grow and evolve as a better person. It empowers an individual to achieve more whilst being comfortable in their own skin.

If there’s one thing you can do for yourself, love yourself as unconditionally as possible.

Try this as a head start to treating yourself more kindly. Take time out (e.g. whenever you wake up or go to sleep), to say nice things to yourself. Sounds cheesy, but it’s a proven way to boost self-love and self-worth. Effective self-talk examples could include: “I forgive myself”, “I let go of my past”, “I treat my body well”, “I love you”, etc.


Read questions 1 to 24 here:

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Tasneem Kagalwalla
Plan-B Vibe

Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~