Side What? Life Coach?

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2018

Women today are becoming CEO’s, lady bosses, presidents of a company, but what seems to be a trend is having a side hustle.

My question is this: With the amount us women do on a daily basis with our kids, our jobs, our relationships, do we really need a side hustle? Why is this a trend? We are busy running a company, organizing school events, and trying to keep up with our life. Now people are also hiring life coaches. How did us older women make it through life without all this extra direction? How did we successfully navigate life and make it to our old age?

A life coach is a person who is there to help you navigate the challenges of your life. I comprehend the need for one.

Today women are doing more, taking on more, and trying to balance it all.

This includes our mental state as well. Keeping our thoughts and emotions under control, especially in the business world, is a constant challenge, but since when do we need to hire someone to run our lives? What is the trend that makes us need to pay someone our hard earned money, schedule more time with someone, when we are already thin on time, and have them point out where we are failing and aiding us in fixing these areas.

If we want to make a change can we not just make it? Are we incapable in doing so without someone telling us yes or no?

Side hustle seems to be on the up rise as well. I understand what it is. It is the (in theory ) the item which you are passionate about. Perhaps you want to sell yourself as a person who can aid in scheduling your life better, or perhaps you can help with weekly meal planning, you could sell a fitness lifestyle; whatever it is, there is a side hustle for it and there are people who will pay for it.

One job is simply not enough. We work and work and work until we need a life coach to help us schedule our lives better. Do you see a theme here?

When women stayed at home, waiting on their husbands with dinner on the table no one needed any help running their lives. Then they started working and still balance was established in their lives, and then they had children and still they did it all, they moved up in the company and became CEO’s and they still balanced , with great practice and help from partners.

They did not hire someone to tell adjust their life, to sell them fitness, to sell them oils, and they were successful, Now I understand my opinion might be in the minority,

but when did women feel the need to pay people to tell them how to handle their lives.

I understand everyone has a role in life and I am not saying anyone’s coaching or hustle is not valuable, I am asking when did the tides turn. I know of a famous speaker who tells women they are enough, they are strong, they can do it and move mountains, but I am lost as to why women who are amazing, smart, balanced, have great jobs, spouses who love and support them, why they now need someone to tell them all these great things?

Are women short of friends who encourage them and reassure them they are strong, smart and beautiful? Are we knocking each other down more then lifting each other up? Someone explain it please.

Ladies you are enough!

You have all the knowledge that you need. If you cannot do it all, it is okay to say NO. You can run a company, you can take care of your kids, you can make enough money without a side hustle, and you are so beautiful!

Inside and out you are smart, funny, kind, and beautiful. I am not charging you for any of this, you know this inside. Please build each other up. Tell your girlfriend’s how amazing they are, how impressed you are with them, and if you see someone struggling please PLEASE ask if you can help. We all know that it takes a village.

Perhaps our village can just be us ladies. We are enough.

I am going to include a few powerful quotes because I feel that we may need them. Enjoy them, absorb them, and know that you are not in this life alone. You are amazingly beautiful, strong and smart and can do anything you want if you put your mind to it!

It is never too late to be who you are supposed to be!


George Eliot

“The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be, so you can create a better world.’

Ashley Rickards

“Never limit yourself to what you can’t do, but to what you have the power to do with what you have.”

Nadège Richards

“Don’t ever compare yourself to others. You are not a copy, you are an original. Craft your own individuality and sense of style and just be yourself. Trying to be someone else will only frustrate you and make you unhappy and miserable.”


Surround yourself with people who empower you to become better. And know that you are good enough!

Debbie Aruta 2018

