What is it? What does it want? / Photos by the author

The Can’t-Sleep-Koan

What is that odd glowing creature staring at me in the middle of the night?

Remington Write
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2022


Slowly regaining the surface I lay very still. Two glowing red eyes under some kind of three-pronged headgear with a sternly straight mouth. And what is that under the mouth? Or…wait. Is it a mouth? Maybe it’s a mustache. Whatever it is, the gaze is unwavering. Unsettling.

Oh, wait a minute. I get it. I’m not awake.

I think I’m awake and I think I’m lying in bed next to my partner. Well, yes, I am lying next to my partner but I’m not awake and this is one of those dreams. Those dreams where I’m sure I’ve woken in the middle of the night but I’m seeing things that can’t be. Lumps moving across the ceiling. A figure standing in the bedroom doorway. Birds lighting on the foot of the bed.

That’s what this is.

I’d like to go back to my previous dream, please. The one where I’m wearing a long cloak-type thing and I lay back into the wind which carries me high above the city. No, not the one where I’m trying to pull myself along a crumbling ledge high above the city. And we can totally skip the one where I’m in the nastiest public bathroom in the world. Strike all that. Flying. Let’s go.

But nope.

