There Has Never Been a Golden Age

So save your stories for the grandkids; we don’t care

Remington Write
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2020


Photo Credit — Dennis Jarvis / Flickr

On a Zoom call last week, a friend mourned that “2019 was AWESOME!”. I’m willing to bet he didn’t think so at the time nor did any of us. The failed real estate developer was still in the Oval Office as daily bad news cascaded from every direction. Will we one day look back at those idyllic early days of Omicron and think, now that’s when life was really easy? We’d better hope not. Updated 12/19/21

I can hear ’em now: Remember how chill and wonderful everything was during the lockdown? We could hear the birds sing (between the sirens and helicopters) and gas was really cheap.

The same yahoos who are whining about not being able to get haircuts or drink Budweiser and watch the game at the bar will be the loudest mouths next year, droning on about how great everything was during the lockdown. And how they thrived because they’d always been so incredibly self-sufficient that they were able to scoff at those snowflakes who insisted on wearing masks everywhere.

These people are next of kin to friends I have here in the city who rhapsodize about how “real” New York was back in the day. The poster child for this kind of thinking was my old friend, Peter (may he rest in peace), who insisted that anyone not in New York City during…

