Writers On Medium Getting Coffee №1

first contact!

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Plan-B Vibe


photography by the author — featuring mystery guest

It’s finally happened!

I met a fellow Medium writer in real life.

This is the first of what I expect will be a series of meet-ups with writers and poets whose work I continue to enjoy. And I hope that some of you will be inspired to form your own meet-ups.

The format may evolve over time. Here’s the concept:

  • Post a cover photo of you and a fellow writer meeting up. Say a few words about the chosen location.
  • Do not disclose the identity of your guest. Let the readers guess! Drop a few hints or include a brief Q&A.
  • Whether you show your faces in the photo is entirely up to you two. (In this case, my guest wanted to protect her real life identity, for reasons that will become clear below.)
  • Agree with your guest whether or not the story will be behind the paywall.
  • May be published in any publication.
  • Tag the story with “Getting Coffee” and “Meetup”.

A few hints about my inaugural mystery guest:

  1. She does not use her real name or real picture as her Medium avatar.
  2. She writes stories about relationships, sex, erotica.
  3. She also writes poetry and has published in my new publication, No Crime in Rhymin’.
  4. She was inspired to get into poetry after seeing the passion of other poets performing their own work.
  5. Writing on Medium has helped her deal with and overcome recent adversity.
  6. She is originally from South America. Lives in the greater NYC area now.
  7. We met at the New York Public Library in Midtown Manhattan.

Correct responses and even decent guesses get bragging rights, and a chance to do a meet-up with me, all coffee-related expenses covered.



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Plan-B Vibe

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"