Writing Habits for 2020

Debbie Aruta-Watkins
Plan-B Vibe
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2019

There are numerous ways to have writing support in 2020.

Writing has been a solitary event for many writers for far too long. 2020 gives us a chance to set new goals and focus on new items, perhaps writing with a group in a public forum, sharing works with writer friends for critique, or submitting work to online groups to look over each other’s work. Writing can be an interactive collaborative event. While we continue to write alone, we can do it together. 2020 is the year you share your work and stop writing chained to a desk. It is the year you begin interacting with other writers!

A writing group is a great way to get instant feedback and can help us take our writings into the New Year with spunk and spirit. Actually, meeting with like-minded artist is a great way to get instant feedback. It can take your writing into new areas you did not see. I once sat in a writing group that analyzed a person’s writing and told the person his writing is not a novel, but a play. They say his characters alive, moving about a stage, setting people’s hearts on fire with the raw emotions he wrote and soon the writer was writing screenplays. He was bogged down by writing his same old way that he required fresh eyes to see his full potential.

Sharing your work with writing friends is another great way of getting fresh eyes on your work. Do not have any who write, jump on twitter or another site and find someone who do. Build relationships with people you trust and share your work. Exchange files and read. Give each other fresh perspectives and help each other add new life to pieces. Maybe you need more detail about a section, perhaps this person knows they do not use wood in their fireplaces in Ireland, but they use peat to heat their homes. (True story, I wrote it and someone helped me make it accurate, who knew!) Others have insight into our work that we do not see is missing. Having a writing friend is a great way to see new flaws that require our fixing before we send it off to try to get it published. Word and Grammarly can only do so much people. It does not catch that you meant to put There and you put Their, but a writing buddy could catch it for you!

Online groups are another forum where sharing your pieces of writings with a larger group can improve your writing. Groups like http://critique.org/ and https://www.critiquecircle.com/Default.asp are a few that can help you write better and not alone. You have others who are caring enough to review your work and help you make it better. Here is a site full or places where you can connect with other writers online. https://thewritelife.com/find-a-critique-partner/ . Online forums still allow you to write, but give you the freedom to submit or not for help. As I have said, another pair of eyes are good. In addition, once you meet people online and get used to their ways of pointing out items they see as flaws in your writing, well then you have someone you can count on for help. A new writer friend! (BONUS!)

2020 begins a new, fresh like white powdered snow; it allows you an opportunity to think differently about your writing. 2020 is the year you reach out to others for support, critique, and get guidance from them. It is the year you no longer write alone! You can write with others! Let your writing be open to the new year as you are and allow other artists to help you achieve your dreams. Connect and collect. Connect to new souls with like minds that can get your writing even better then you thought was possible and collect new friendships that will form bonds over words and get those words to new viable levels and out to people who can publish them.

May 2020 be the year you are sharing your words to whomever. May it be filled with time typing next to other artists, filled with submissions to all sorts of places for publication, and the year of building writing friendships so you are no longer alone and chained to a desk. May 2020 be the year you break the chains and throw your words around like confetti on the New Year.

