Social distancing during COVID19 changed regular Education to Distance Learning, is this a better way?

Get Boarded
The Plan B)
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2020

Never before have education providers around the world are forced with the exact same challenge at the exact same time. The challenge to modernize, reform, and rethink the nature of the educational experience for students while fighting a global pandemic. How can we transform our ecosystem to make it more relevant for learners and better aligned to industry and community needs, all while fighting an urgent crisis. Enabling Digital Transformation of Universities is not a futuristic innovation anymore it is the need of the hour.

As a student focused start-up, GetBoarded is helping Universities respond to this crisis with a rapid Digital Transformation strategy using talent profiling (Digitization) and analytics (Digitalization).

Digital transformation is about enabling digital technologies into all areas of a educational processes, while fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers knowledge and guidance to its students. It’s most importantly a cultural change in and otherwise traditional methodology, that requires the whole ecosystem to continually and effectively innovate the way knowledge is imparted.

Technology is an enabler to the digital transformation of the oldest known industry domain; Education.

New risks have emerged that require mitigation in a post-corona world. The economy has had to slam on its brakes, a hard impact will be felt in short term while, with time, we bounce and slowly regain upwards momentum. Hiring has ceased as people are already being laid off for the reasons of business shutdowns, economic slump and in some cases, just because of no virtual frameworks to operate in. The new talent coming in the economy will have to compete with already saturated labour market. Desperate selection of work would happen as people, in a rush, will take up any job that is offered. This in-turn will cause dissatisfaction in a long run resulting in churn and temporary re-alignment of the market. The non-digital works will suffer the most which have to be either digitalized or just wait till it all gets over and re-structured. We, as a society, will tumble a few steps lower on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Social distancing has increased the pace of digitalization. It is a necessary disruption not by choice but imposed by chance. The impact on the economy will be multi-faceted, with an recession on the cards it will also through the employment numbers off balance. We anticipate these problems arising from the current economic lockdown and are working to save the upcoming flow of talent to market. Saving careers for the graduates who come out to market at such a time of uncertainties, economic downturn and expected block on hiring with a move towards remote working.

We are there to help Universities respond to this crisis with a rapid digital transformation strategy using talent profiling and analytics.

The approach is not just a Tech-Only solution , but a complex mix of cultural change, right leadership, process implementation, careful observation of the side-effects and optimizing with risk mitigations all that in a very short time as a rapid response.

Important challenges include:

  1. Simple and quick adoption by all students and stakeholders
  2. Continuity planning and instant switch
  3. Data enablement and talent analytics
  4. Learning decisions
  5. Virtual training models and collaboration tools
  6. Future prediction and shifting approach to employment opportunities

Let’s works towards a strategy which decreases the RISK evaluates and adds POTENTIAL and guides students to SUCCESS

Your turn: What do you thik are the biggest risk factors and challenges in the current crisis? please post comments and participate in a short survey.

We are creating tools for digitization of talent data to plug into specific Business Intelligence Dashboards designed for Universities to help make crisis response decisions in short term and managing recovery for long term period.

@Universities/Students/Faculties: Please participate in the below survey to help us understand the changing trends and needs of the market to prepare a better response.

Long Survey with Freebie (15 mins) | Short Survey (3 mins) |

Request copy of Results in comments

GetBoarded is a Talent Analytics Start-up helping universities offering a better student-market fit. We are offering our technology services for free for next 3 to 6 months to combat the corona virus lockdown and reduce the impact on academic and business organizations while combatting the pandemic. Book a session for learning about the tools we can provide you for your organization.

