Plant-Based Fiber: Tips for Getting Enough


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Today, we will discuss something that’s not just important but also downright exciting — fiber! Before you chuckle and say, “Fiber, exciting? Really?” hear me out. Fiber, especially plant-based fiber, is like the unsung hero of our diets, and it’s about time we gave it the standing ovation it deserves.

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Happy Insides

First, let’s discuss why fiber is such a big deal in our diets, particularly when embracing a plant-based lifestyle. Fiber is that friendly little nutrient that keeps our digestive system happy, our energy levels steady, and believe it or not, our smiles brighter. Why? Because when our insides are happy, it shows on the outside!

Now, for my friends over 50, plant-based fiber holds a special place in our hearts and health. As we age gracefully (like a fine wine), our bodies need a bit more TLC, and fiber is like that caring best friend who’s always there to lend a hand. It supports heart health, checks blood sugar levels, and can even be a secret weapon in managing weight. Who knew, right?

And the sources! Oh, the sources of plant-based fiber are as varied and colorful as a garden in full bloom. The plant kingdom is just bursting with fibrous goodness…



Julene Cole, The Plant Based Grandma
The Plant Based Grandma

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