Stop Waiting for Perfect.

Mitchell Earl
The Playbook by Praxis
1 min readAug 31, 2022


Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

You’ll learn more by getting started than by thinking through your idea more.

Just get started.

Your ideas can’t blossom into the things you hope they can become until you move from the world of ideas into the world of action.

You don’t need to wait for the perfect time. That was yesterday. (And the second best time is today.)

You don’t need to wait until your idea is perfect. It isn’t yet. (And it’ll take on a hundred more versions until you get it right.)

Whatever idea you have floating around in your noggin’, stop putting it off.

Stop procrastinating by overthinking. Stop worrying about what might happen if you share your idea with the world. Stop fearing who you might become.

Just get started.

So here’s your challenge: Whatever idea you’ve been considering lately, go do one thing to make your idea a reality today. Then do another thing to make it a reality tomorrow. Then repeat.

Stop waiting for perfect. Just get started.



Mitchell Earl
The Playbook by Praxis

COO @DiscoverPraxis | I write education, career, and money advice for young adults who are just getting started.