A Soundtrack to the Last Year of My Life

James Shotwell
The Playlist Club
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2016

It’s the day of my 29th birthday, and even though I’m not officially 29 until sometime this evening (“I was born at night, but not last night baby” — Yes I’m still making Kid Rock references at 29) I couldn’t resist posting my annual life update. I can easily say the last year of my life has been the craziest, most exciting, fun, love-filled year in recent memory. It was not what I expected, but in many ways that is why it turned out to be so great, and I have huge hopes/dreams for the year ahead.

You can read a very long life update on my Facebook page, but for everyone who simply wants insight into the last year of my time on this planet I created a very special playlist I called ‘A soundtrack to the Last Year of My Life.’ This is a playlist of celebration and reflection, which to detail in full would take many paragraphs I doubt people would read.

Here are a few things you need to know about this playlist…

  • The first 12 songs should be played front to back. These songs represent my personal journey over the last year and the songs that helped me see it through. Many of the songs were released in the last year as well, but a few are personal favorites that hit home more than ever as I look forward to life at 29.
  • The final 6 songs represent the times I cut loose. These are the songs that were played on the wildest nights of the last year. I love these songs because they make me feel good, and I think many of you will enjoy them as well.
  • There are maybe 4–5 songs with bad language (including the opener). Sorry for the expletives, Mom and Dad.
  • If I had to pick 2 songs the best represent the last year it would be “Happiness” and “Figure Me Out,” but to be completely honest I think those songs could be applied to the lives most of us lead every single day.
  • There is a part of me that hopes this playlist helps someone discover their next obsession.
  • I hope people send me feedback on this playlist.

The last year has been wild, but it’s time to look ahead. These songs mean the world to me. Enjoy:



James Shotwell
The Playlist Club

Words and conversation. Marketing Coordinator for @Haulix, Film Editor @Substream, & @InsideMusicPod host. Founder: @UTGreview (RIP)