Hello (The Playlist)

James Shotwell
The Playlist Club
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2016

This playlist is simple and silly, but it helps to make the idea behind this site clear. The Playlist Club exists to make sharing music and stories a communal activity on a global scale. The theme for this post is fairly simple, but over time more complex and personal ones will go live (or at least that is the goal).

My name is James, and I am the guy behind this Medium publication. I am the Digital Marketing Coordinator for a very cool company called Haulix that aides the music industry in securely sharing unreleased music. I live in Minneapolis, but that is a relatively recent development in my almost 29 years of life. I have 2 fat cats (Paws Von Trier, Chub E. Chubbs) and 1 french bulldog (Briscoe), as well as a best friend/wife in Lisa Shotwell. We share playlists all the time and we’re excited to share some with you moving forward.

For a quick introduction to the site and how our submission process works, click here.



James Shotwell
The Playlist Club

Words and conversation. Marketing Coordinator for @Haulix, Film Editor @Substream, & @InsideMusicPod host. Founder: @UTGreview (RIP)