My PLEN Summer Experience

PLEN Intern
The Plenary
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2018

As a rising senior in college finishing up my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, I’m realizing how quickly time goes by and how the real world is approaching. I still feel that my years in college flew by, and now it is time to look forward to new challenges. In response to my concerns to earn a good professional experience before graduating, I decided to participate in The Fund for American Studies summer program in Washington, DC this summer. In TFAS, I enrolled in the Economics & International Affairs institute and am taking International Economics Policy (ECON 385) at George Mason University. Through this program, I was provided with possible internship contacts, and that is how I ended up finding PLEN.

Being able to work at a place that met my interests and ethics was crucial to me when seeking a potential internship for the summer. I felt PLEN was the perfect match for me since I have always had a strong interest in women’s active role in public policy. At PLEN I am working as a development intern and since their 40th Anniversary Celebration is coming up, I am helping to track alumnae, recollect data from last year’s seminars and code and graph results from past year’s seminar’s surveys. As my first real life work experience, I love PLEN’s professional environment and was really happy to see how dedicated my co-workers are at work everyday and how my supervisor leads me to achieve my goals for the summer.

Interning for PLEN has not only taught me professional skills that I will certainly use in the future, but has also taught me how many women are willing to step up and pursue their objectives towards leadership. Research that I’m doing at PLEN also opened my eyes, as I did not realize the impact of women’s colleges on leadership programs. I also enjoyed being able to attend a board members meeting, a visit by Eastern Michigan University, and an event co-hosted with Women in Government Relations where I experienced and listened to different women’s career paths.

My short time at PLEN’s office went by way too fast, but I will definitely bring PLEN with me and spread the word about it as well as its work once I go back to campus at the end of the summer. I would like to increase the awareness of what PLEN does and promote its upcoming seminars.

I am beyond thankful for having had the chance to intern at PLEN. It has been a very enriching experience at both the personal and professional level.

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Rita Muro is an upcoming senior at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania pursuing her B.A degree in Political Science while minoring in History and Public Administration. She is PLEN’s Summer Development Intern.

